Silicone Specimens – Seven Seas Business in our business Fri, 15 Sep 2023 23:17:40 +0000 es hourly 1 Silicone Specimens – Seven Seas 32 32 WB018 The dart player Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The specimen absolutely displays the composing of nervous system of human body. The ventral removed anterior wall of the chest and abdominal and majority visceral to display the celiac plexuses;the dorsal displays the brain and spinal cord ,they are located in the skull cavity and the vertebra canal respectively. Upper and lower limbs through the superficial and deep anatomy of the way to show the nerves of innervation.

WB019 The football player Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The specimen absolutely displays the composing of circulation system of human body.The circulatory system comprises the heart, artery, capillary and vein. This specimen mainly displays heart and the whole body arteries.Removed anterior wall ofthe chest and abdominal ,majority lung tissue have been removed,displays clearly the arteries of heart and lungs.Opened the stomach wall and majority of intestine have been removed to display clearly arteries rete of abdominal cavity.

WB020 The discus player Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The discus thrower displays the relevant instruments applied to operation in bone surgery and the specific location.ln the wrist,the wrist fixing operation,in the thigh displays a femoral fracture fixed with steel plate and screws and hip and knee joints replacements. the cranial operations with different methods at different sites.ln addition displays the cranial operations with different methods at different sites.

WB021 The serial female coronal sadions spectmen Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The specimen shows a female body in serial transperent coronal slices. The morpholo gical structures and their relationships of human body were shown by sections. Understanding the structures by sections is especially important far doctors of ultrasonography and radiography. From this specimen, the distribution of adipose tissue in superficial fascia can be seen very clearly. In fem ale body, adipose tissues are usually gathering around mammary gland, lower abdomen, pubic area,anterior part of femoral regían, gluteus regían and hips.

WB022 Goodbrother Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The specimen displays the relative position of the bones and muscles in the body. The bones locate within the body and provide the framework for the body, and act as a system of levers, whereas the joints as the hinge in the movements. The muscles attach to the bones, contract to move the body, which is the motor organ of the body. Except few locations, muscles nearly covered the whole bones. These three parts coordinate and cooperate each other to produce the various complex movements.

WB023 The famale pregnant specimen Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The specimen displays the superficial muscles and the structure of female mammary gland.Opened the abdominal wall,shows the digestive organs as liver,stomach and intestine
ect,female reproductive system in pelvic cavity.As the conception and development of fetus are completed in female body,there for,the major reproductive organs are in vivo,such as uterus,ovary,fallopian tube and vagina,pudendum and mammary gland which is an accessory genital organ lie on the surface of body.

WB012 Skinman Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The skinman displays the superfical muscle and skin.What is hold in the skinman’s right hand is his own skin has been isolated from himself absolutely.Skin is the largest organ of body,it consist of cuticle and corium,soft and tough.The acreage of an adult’s skin is about 1.8-2.0m’ ,weighs about 1 Okg,occupies about 8-10% of the whole body’s weight.

WB013 Open the mlnd (famale) Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The specimen opened anterior wall of the chest and abdominal to display the position of human interna! organs.ln the thorax,there are heart in the middle and lungs are located on the two side of heart;in the abdominal cavity,displays the alimentary organs as liver,stomach and intestine;and urinary bladder,uterrus,uterine tube,ovary and other female genital organs are also dieplayed in the pelvic cavity.

WB014 The baseball player Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The specimen by throwing baseball the position displays the whole nervous system of human body.Removed anterior wall of the chest and abdominal ,and parts of lung tissue have been removed and remain only the bfonchial tree to display clearty the rib nerve along the direction of rib in the thorax.Stomach and majority of intestine have been removed to display clearly the line of splanchnic nerve. Upper and lower limbs through the superficial and deep anatomy of the way to show the nerves of innervation.

WB015 The golf player Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:24:49 +0000 The specimen absolutely displays the composing of nervous system of human body.Brain and spinal cord constitute the central system;they are located in the skull cavity and the vertebra canal respectively.12pairs of cranial nerves connecting to brain and 31 pairs of spinal nerves connecting to spinal cord spread all over the whole body and compase a large nervous net, constitute the peripheral nervous system with visceral nerve.
